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TRAIL RUNNING Kobo Trail 2024 ~弘法大師の道~ - Currently recruiting players - Dates: May 18th (Saturday) and 19th (Sunday), 2024

Minehiro Yokoyama THE NORTH FACE Athlete Born on January 23, 1969 in Tokyo, Yokoyama is one of the top trail runners in Japan. He also holds various licenses, including a professional mountain guide license, and is passionate about promoting related programs.

Tsuyoshi Kaburaki THE NORTH FACE Athlet Born on October 15,1968 in Gunma Prefecture, Kaburaki is a first class trail runner with many remarkable achievements, including his taking 3rd place in the 2009 Du Mont-Blanc Ultra-Trail and finishing first in over 30 domestic races.

Entry Guidelines

Purpose of the Event

Kobo Trail 2024 will be held to promote the Kobo Trail as well as to encourage regional development of municipalities along the trail.

May 18th (Saturday) and 19th (Sunday), 2024(Number of participants required: 165 minimum)
Kobo Trail Running Committee
(Nara Prefecture, Yoshino Town, Tenkawa Village, Gojo City, and Nosegawa Village)
Course Director
Minehiro Yokoyama
Guest Runner
Tsuyoshi Kaburaki(Route“K to K”)
Entry Coordinator
Nanto Kankosha Company
Tour Coordinator
Nanto Kankosha Company (Registered by the Commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency: No. 1220)

Those who are 18 years of age or older as of the date of the event (May 19th, 2024)

Those who are confident in their ability to complete the course without getting lost within the time limit

Those who understand the Kobo Trail and observe the event rules

[Past Results] Completion rate in the last three races:

92.7% in 2019; 87.2% in 2022; 75.4% in 2023

  • This event has not been registered with the ITRA.
  • In case of absence without notice, future entries may be rejected.
  • If applying for both courses (“K to K” and “D to K”),
    only the application for “D to K” will be accepted, while the application for “K to K” will be made invalid.
  • Accommodation for both the K to K and D to K races will be in shared rooms separated by gender. If there is someone you would like to share a room with, please write the person’s name in the “Notes” section of the entry form.

K to K

Kimpusenji, Yoshinoyama – Kongobuji, Koyasan

55.7 km (of which 14.7 km, or 26%, is paved)

Kimpusenji Temple
Kimpusenji Temple


Maximum Number of Participants
150 people
Entry Fee
\28,000 (includes lodging at a “ryokan” or Japanese style hotel) \25,000 (includes lodging at a guesthouse)
* Accommodation fees (including one night lodging in shared rooms separated by gender, two meals, baggage transport fee, insurance fee, etc.)
The course runs along part of the Omine Okugake-michi Trail, which is regarded as a sacred training place for Shugendo practitioners. As it is the traditional color of Shugendo, we ask runners to wear as much white as they can. The white T-shirt you receive for participation may be used for this purpose.
Day 1: Saturday, May 18th
12:00 - 15:15
Registration at Yoshinoyama Furusato Center
15:30 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
Buddhist evening service at Zaodo Hall, Kimpusenji Temple
Lodging check-in, dinner, bath at each facility
Day 2: Sunday, May 19th
Check out (Leave baggage at the entrance of the lodging facility)
Gather at the starting point (Zaodo Hall at Kimpusenji Temple)
Starting Ceremony
The route includes four aid points and five checkpoints.

D to K

From Dorogawa Onsen (hot spring) in Tenkawa Village to Kongobuji Temple in Koyasan

43.2 km (of which 15.2 km, or 35%, is paved)

Ryusenji suigyo
”Suigyo” at Ryusenji Temple

image of race
Image of Race

Maximum Number of Participants
100 people
Entry fee
\28,000 (includes lodging at a “ryokan” or Japanese style hotel)
*The fee includes accommodation (two meals, one-night lodging in shared rooms separated by gender), bus fare, baggage transportation, insurance, etc.
There are no dress rules. A white T-shirt will be distributed to all participants.
Day 1: Saturday, May 18th
10:00 - 11:00
Registration at the South Exit of Yamato Yagi Station (Kintetsu Railway)
Depart from the South Exit of Yamato Yagi Station by bus
Arrive at Tenkawa Village’s Dorogawa Onsen (hot spring)
13:00 - 14:00
Briefing at the Tenkawa Village Gymnasium
14:30 - 15:00
Buddhist service at Ryusenji Temple
15:00 - 15:30
”Suigyo” or water ablutions at Ryusenji Temple (only for those who wish to try)
Lodging check-in, dinner and bath at each facility
Day 2: Sunday, May 19th
Check out (Leave baggage at the entrance of the lodging facility)
Gather at the starting point (Dorogawa Eco-Museum Center Parking Lot)
Starting Ceremony
The route includes three aid points and four checkpoints.
Information Common to Both Routes
Closing Time of Checkpoints

Sunday, May 19th: 12:00 at Kirinuki Pass, 14:00 at Bushigamine Pass, 15:45 at Tentsuji Pass, 16:15 at Deyashiki Pass, 17:30 at Kiwa Zuido, 19:00 at Tenguki Pass, and 20:00 at the finish line

Closing time means the last arrival time at each point. If you cannot reach each point before its closing time, you will have to stop running.

After dark, please use a headlamp and wear reflective materials.

Konpon Daito Pagoda at Kongobuji Temple
Baggage Pickup
At Saizen-in (Shukubo)
Awards Ceremony
Konpon Daito Pagoda at Kongobuji Temple

16:00 Top 3 mens finishers of each Route K to K and D to K will receive awards.
17:00 Top 3 womens finishers of each Route K to K and Route D to K will receive awards.

*Transportation costs to and from the designated meeting places before and after the race are not included in the entry fee.
*The schedule may be subject to change depending on road restrictions, climate, or other conditions.

Information on Lodging in the Koyasan Area

Please note that lodging on the night of May 19th (Sun.) after the race is not included in the entry fee.

If you are looking for lodging for that night, please request the lodging when you apply.

*Each “shukubo” (lodging offered by temples) sets the time for dinner, and it may not be served after that time. Please inquire in advance.

*If you arrange your post-race lodging by yourself, please tell the lodging facility in advance that you may check in late. Please be aware that some shukubo set their latest check-in time rather early.

Kobo Trail Running Committee (c/o Oku-Yamato Revitalization Division, Nara Prefecture)

605-5, Tokiwa-cho, Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, Japan

Inquiry Form

Entry and Tour Conductor:
Nanto Kankosha Company (Registered by the Commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency: No. 1220) Travel Services Manager: Minoru Nishiguchi

332-1, Kawaharajo-cho, Tenri City, Nara Prefecture, Japan


Race Information

Accommodation and Meal After the Race

Terms of Agreement

Standard Terms and Conditions

Special Compensation Rules

Invitation to 'Suigyo'

K to K Schedule

D to K Schedule

K to K MAP

D to K MAP

Route Map

KOBO Trail2024

Route MapMAP Donwload

KOBO Trail2024弘法大師の道 Route Map
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  • 近畿日本鉄道株式会社
  • 創業1887年 有限会社千総
  • DYDO
  • ならにっか
  • 'なんかいいね'があふれてるNANKAI
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  • 高野山 西禅院
  • 真言宗醍醐派大本山 大峯山 龍泉寺